
Ideas to Be Rich at a Young Age - Part 4

Welcome in the part 4. In this part, we are starting second step of IDEAS to be rich at young age. Before learning part 4, we are giving small back up part 1, part 2, part 3 for better understanding. In first, second and third part, we have focus to develop your brain like a student. We have focus to stop ideas to be rich with your earned income like earning from your job big by doing 2, 4 or 20 jobs in a day, it is not good focus or doing 100 small self employed business. There is no leverage and there is no fast success.

It has also side effect, if you will do more hardwork for earning more by spending more time, you will not care your health and your health will damage and you pay its big price. Second, when money will consume, you need again hard work, so better to shift passive income model and focus on earning from your assets growth. With this, you will save tax and get rich fast in your short period of time.

Now, you will come new and new ideas to invest better for gaining your passive income. You will start to say, I will invest today even, I have small money. God has given me big brain like big glass to handle all the water. Money is the thought and I have controlled my thoughts.  Even, I will fail, I will not give up.

Now, Come to Second Step

2nd Step : Growth of Implement of Your Ideas - Development of Plan

If you have written great ideas of your success as rich person for your new business. That is great. But it is not enough. You have to take second step. You All ideas will not get success, if you will not implement your ideas with a good strategy. Strategy is also a plan for fight.

1st Idea : Which Plan I have to Choose : SLOW OR FAST

hard work and earn big money is slow plan, it will need big time.

Hard work, earn and then save for big money, is more slow plan, it will not double of your slow plan

Retirement plan is also slow plan, you save upto your retirement

Rate race plan is also slow plan. Do job like others

Only investment in early age is good and best plan to rich at young age

Remember, if money is thought and you are thinking positive regarding money, you have to make the plan. Investment is a plan. Make it fast.

This plan may be your investment in your own business

Make your eyes to see future opportunities in your business.

2nd Idea : Stop to Use of Slow Plan Words

Stop to use  : I am saving money for growth of money

Stop to use  : I am doing big earning job in a company

Stop to use  : I want to save myself from investment risk, so, I prefer in govt. investment

Instead of this, start to speak the words

Start to speak : I am planning to better invest my money

Start to speak : I am learning to calculate and controlling my risks

Start to speak : I am learning wholesale buying

Start to speak : I am starting my own business and resigning  my job.

3rd Ideas : Absorb Ideas of Successful Investment Plan

For this, you need to join any sales training course. For this, you need to join in any accounting course. For this, you need to go to seminar of investment. For this, you need to listen and watch investment motivation audio and videos.

All these things, your brain will grow to apply your investment plan better way with new ideas.

Remember : Rich people make only investment plan

Poor people make saving and then secured investment plan in old age

4th Ideas : Reinvestment of Your Profit has the power

If your wealth ratio is very less and your passive income is just 10% of your total income. Try to reinvest it and reinvest it and it is sure, same reinvestment in real estate, online business and your offline business will boost your wealth ratio.

Formula of Wealth ratio = passive income / total expenses = 1000 / 10000 X 100 = 10%

When your wealth ratio will be 100%, you need not do any job or your small business.

5th Ideas : Be Truthful to Your Investment Plan

For example, you made plan to get up 3 am but you are sleeping next day 3 am, it is not truthful plan. It is fake plan. Be truthful to your plan. Always speak truth as per your words. Never speak lie.

6th Ideas : Plan for Resigning Job and Self Employed profession and Invest in Your Big Business

If you have 500 full time employees, it means, you have big business.

Do you not start from one full time employee.

You should remember the definition of employee

Employee is a person who employed for wage or salary. So, to get employee fastly is your opportunity to use other's time, energy, skill and experience for success in your business.

 So, you have to make the plan. By doing this, you are doing some positive work

(A) You are providing jobs and helps govt. to give employment to unemployed. Whatever is your business, it will be supported by govt. Big loans are given to big business projects where 1000 people are doing jobs.

7th Ideas : Be Growth of Your Ability of Kindness

Do you want to become kind person. It is very necessary for increasing your power of wealth and your hand always clean from any crime. You have to focus your growth as kind person by growing your ratio

Employee ratio

1 : 1

It means, you are doing job and feeding your family. You are not kind person

If you will grow it 

1 : 2

You have small business and you have two full time employee. You are basic kind person

1 : 1,00,000

It means, you have big business and you are giving the job to 1 Lakh people. You are extra ordinary kind person. If you grow your this ability in your investment plan, no one can stop you to get success.

Asset Value Ratio

1 : (1)^2

It means, you are doing self employed small business and you did not focus to increase asset value ratio. So, you are not kind

Asset value ratio means

your power = (Your Network Power)^2

Always your power will be calculated with square of your network power

In above case, if you have the 2 employees,

it means,

your power = 2 X 2 = 4

You are more powerful to 4 employees.

Same apply with everything

You bought two real estate, it means, your asset value ratio is

1 : 2 ^2

means 4 real estate network power has added in you

if you have

one lakh properties, you have added in 100,000^2 real estate network power

If you have shown your ads only 2 ads network, your power is just 4 but if your business ads is showing in 10 online website, it means your power

1 : 10^2

1 : 100

So, try exponential growth your plan by using this formula

Now, calculate all your network whether, student network, supplier network, employee network, friends network and re-check your asset value ratio where are you standing.

Your kindness is your better relation with all network.

Remember, if you will increase your network, your strength will increase and your weakness will decrease.


Focus on the Innovation of Your Ideas

Ideas of making better network with all whichever is your industry. If your industry is publishing, make the network with other publishers. Make the network with other creators.

Never make small plan to increase your earning

by saying, I need not any support, I am focusing on increasing my promotion and salary

I am focusing to grow my earned leaves.

I am focusing on medical leaves.

It will delay your desire to be rich at young age. 

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Krantikari Blog: Ideas to Be Rich at a Young Age - Part 4
Ideas to Be Rich at a Young Age - Part 4
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