Welcome part 3 of "Ideas to be rich at a young age. You have already read its first and second part. In this part, we go forward.
1. Get Ability to See Things with Different Angles
If you see any number with one angle, it will show 6 and it is less powerful for you. If you will see same number in different angle, it will show 9 which is more powerful. If you have to become rich and you have to change your idea and implement more powerful ideas on it.
Do you know how does gear of car works for driving car under control. It is great idea of leverage. By changing gear ratio, automatic has made first gear, second gear, third and fourth gear. You also stop to say anything bad.
Do you think loan is bad. Now, it is idea to grow your business if you know how to use it as leverage from shifting first gear to 4th gear of your business.
2. Try to Apply Leverage Idea in Your Business for Becoming Rich Fastly
Leverage means ability to more with your less. Ability to lift more weight with your less weight is called leverage. It is simple physics law.
Try to Apply to Idea on Your life
(A) Check your bank account and if you see, your per month income is less, it means, you are working on the leverage idea of other person for growth of their income
(B) Check your bank account and if you see your per month income is more than your whole desire, it means, you are giving the work to other for making others as your leverage.
Remember Leverage is everywhere
(I) If you have to lift the weight, you keep the small stone as leverage
(II) If you drive the car, you will use gear box as your leverage.
(III) If you will go, you will use cycle, bike, car, bus and train as your leverage
(IV) If you grow your own online business, you will use internet, computer, email, online ads as your leverage.
Always remember, if you will not have idea of your leverage, you will do the work under the idea of leverage of other person.
Poor person works on the idea of Leverage
Do hard work and get success. It is like to walk and cover 1000 kms within one day.
Rich person work on the idea of leverage
Use human resources, financial resources and all other's resources to get success.
Instead keeping money in the saving account, hire people to use them as per your leverage idea to grow your business.
Big Leverage Ideas
Use other Person's time at lowest cost
Use other person's talent at lowest cost.
Ask Great Question from Yourself
How can I grow my business in less hard work, at lowest price and from smart people?
Answer will be your own leverage idea
3. What the Mind can Conceive it can Achieve
You have to start trust on your ideas. With your ability to think big and think positive, you can be rich. One of big problem that everyone has big ideas but do not trust on own ideas.
3. You have to differentiate the Risk and Dangerous Word
Every investment on the basis of your ideas is risky. You should accept its risk and calculate the risk and make the strategy to take the risk and grow your business.
Never conceive that investment is dangerous. It will become reality. Nothing is dangerous in investment. It is your own thinking and trust on same thinking.
When you will invest in your business. Accept, you will have to fail 19 times for winning 20th time.
Never hope to win 100% and 100 times.
Your business grow will apply
More risk and more reward.
Do you know all ads investment work? No, only 1% or 2% ads work. So, focus on it and make the strategy to grow with ads by accepting 99% failure
Failure always uses word dangerous
Poor says load
Investment is dangerous. That is reason, they capture them self in
Job security
Fixed salary
Guaranteed pension
Govt FD Interest
Rich people take risk and come out of above thinking
Never play gambling for taking risk. You only make the idea on the paper and try to invest as per this in your own good business.
4. Learn to Take Risk with Intelligent Ways
For example, if you have to invent the airplane which place you will select. Answer is good place where is less physical harm. It is the part of your strategy. Read all the great books to take business risks intelligently.
Never say that only saving in govt. bank is smart and intelligent way to become rich at young age.
Always says, I am student and I am learning to risk in my investment with intelligent ways.
Try to get all updates from financial newspaper and magazines for updated date which will make you intelligent.
Ranking your investment
Investment in your business = 10%
Investment in Real estate = 10%
Investment in Gold = 10%
Investment in Mutual Funds = 10%
Investment in Shares = 10%
Above all will be the growth of idea making machine ( Our brain ) in first step.
Now, learn its 5th point
5. Focus to Get Idea to Support Maximum People with Your Least Money
If you have to rich at young age, you have to focus to get idea to support maximum people with your least money
Poor people get idea for support
Give me more salary without my checking of performance
Rich people get idea for support
I will get the profit on the basis of my performance
Always think how can you earn more with less work but serve many people.
For this, you have to understand three type of incomes
Earned income
Portfolio income
Passive income
Earned income is salary and small business income
portfolio and passive income is from investment and big business income. Only focus on it, you can serve big and become rich at young age.