
Ideas to Be Rich at a Young Age

You know that there are 10 Billion neuron cells in the brain who brings the great ideas if you will use your all mind power for thinking about the ideas. There are two big powers in the human body. One is mind and second is brain.

Mind Power

Mind is thinking growing  machine. Real production of thoughts comes from soul. Mind whole power grows what you think. Grow it. If you are thinking more positive. Use more positive words to express your positive thoughts, your brain gets the message and bring more great ideas to bring reality of your positive thoughts.

Brain Power 

Brain is the machine of bringing the ideas to reality of your thoughts.

Now, our concept is what are the main ideas to be rich at young age. On this, I will only say,

There are unlimited IDEAS which will bring you to rich person at your young age. Because Mind thinks 50,000 thoughts in a day whether it is winter time or summer time. This process continually for 24*7*12. Many people sees dreams in sleeping time. It is also nothing but mind's process to think.

Now, first fix your BIG GOAL

As per Forbes magazine

A person will say Rich in young age if he is earning $ 10 Lakh per year. As per Indian currency, it s

Rs. 7 Crore 10 Lakh per year. You can say also as, rich person will earn Rs. 60 Lakh per month.

It is also truth, there is no company who will give you RS. 7 Crore salary per year. Only your, wealth can give you this big earning.

Now, first understand the Wealth

1. Your Big Business is Your Wealth

2. Your Big Real Estate is Your Wealth

3. Your Invention is Your Wealth

4. Your Gold is Your Wealth

5. Your Stock and Mutual Funds is Your Wealth

1st Great IDEA 

If you have created your all above wealth or other wealth in your young age, no one can stop you to be rich at young age.


Every wealth gives the earning. Real estate gives the earning in the form of rent and appreciation in its value. Your business give you big profit. Your inventions will give you the royalty. Your gold will gives your appreciation in its value. Your stock and mutual funds will give you dividend and appreciation in its value.

But remember. These wealth has risk. But  you do not fear by seeing it dangerous. Here is your learning STARTS

you have own house. It is real estate. With your brain idea, if you have ability to grow your business home, it will create your wealth

You have small business, if you will grow it at large scale, your this ability will give big reward.

You have small gold, with this, if you will create large number of goal, this ability will give big wealth.

If you will not Learn to Think BIG and Bring Great Ideas.  Your every investment will face loss. Like if a person do not know to invest in stock, he can make Rs. 100 from his investment of Rs. 10 Lakh in one day.

3rd and FINAL IDEA 

We have reached third and final idea

It has 3 Steps

1st Step : Learn to Grow of Idea Making Machine with Mind Power : Brain Development 

2nd Step : Learn to Grow of Implements of Ideas :  Plan Development

3rd Step : Learn to Grow of Actions on Ideas : Fast Decision Making Development


Let Start 1st Step 

 Learn to Grow of Idea Making Machine with Mind Power : Brain Development 

Do you see animal. Did their brain develop? No. Why because he can do what they have natural brain. Cow, dog, cat can swim naturally but do not drive the car because they do not sing the song because they do not master of dancing skills.

But human being can learn both swim and driving of car. Why? Answer is very simple. With the help of brain development. If a person has failed to lift 100 kgs weight. He starts to think the idea.

It is my own example. Today, I bench press of 100 Kgs. But one year ago, I failed to press 100 Kgs. But I did not give up. I brought only positive thought in my mind. With this mind power, I brought great idea. In this idea, I visualize that if I can press of 80 Kgs for 55 Times in 8 set, I will get the energy to press 100 kgs weight 5 reps. Now, I worked on it. Previous year, I gained gold madel in 80 kgs bench press and continually do the press of 80 kgs for 1 year and today morning, I did 55 reps of 80 Kgs and then 5 reps of 85 kgs and then 5 reps of 90 Kgs and then 5 reps of 95 kgs and then in final 5 reps of 100 kgs. It is clear example, I have developed my brain by


Second, I chose the time is deep dec. because in winter, it is easy to lift more weight easily

Practice is great IDEA for developing brain.

In the childhood, the development of brain is very less. If people do not learn and get education, they are unable to develop the brain.

In poor person, it is reality, they do not learn to develop the brain for becoming rich in young age.

For bench press 100 kgs, I read lots of contents online. Motivate myself with videos. These contents has given me conceieve power that if I will lift more weight my brain has power to make new muscles to lift same big weight. Same was happened with me.

If you will start to learn financial independence books daily, even after your academic and professional degree, you will get great knowledge which will help your brain develop and with this development, you brain's ability to bring great ideas which will make rich you fast. This brain will take better decision to make plan and action on these ideas.

First of all you have to trust on your brain. 

Again I am giving stress on this. These ideas will come by changing your mind thinking.

Stop to think negative with your mind

For example, you see the new car and you say, I am unable to buy Rs. 10 Lakh car. I do not trust on my brain. My brain is bagger.

Ideas of Brain will Give : Yes, I am dull as per your thinking and Now, Close the eyes when you see the new car. Dear my body's eyes take action immediately on it.

Change the Thinking

Yes, I have billion dollar brain. I am thinking, I can buy the new car.  I am giving the order to brain.

Dear my brain, bring great idea for buying my new car.

Brain will say. In which industry, you are working, there is $ 11.72 T market in 2025. For example, I am in publishing industry. So, my brain is saying to me. Write, write and write great contents and sell its ads and ebooks and new car is coming to you.

Brain will say with great idea. Next 2025, Population of India will double, your content and ebook will read by new generation fastly and big chance, it will sell at large quantity.

Brain will say with great idea. Failure can teach you great lesson of success. If you see any failure in anywhere. MAKE his video creator for telling his story of failure and it will teach the great lesson and it will make you biggest video creator on youtube.

If my brain give me great idea, your brain will give you great idea. Just try to learn daily and try to think all time positive.

Again remember

Laziness IDEAS Come from laziness

Never get up late. Get up 3 AM daily and start to think positive and see what the great Ideas will come in your brain.

Doubtful IDEAS will come from Doubtful thoughts

Never doubtful. Stop confusion with silence practise.

Idea 1 # GREAT IDEAS Come from Setting BIG GOAL

Always set biggest goal

by saying

I have the big goal to become rich on 31st Dec. 2020

Idea 2 # After Setting Goal, Start Focus to Think GREAT Ideas

I am focusing to increase my business abilities

I am focusing to increase my new wealth creation abilities

I am focusing to increase my investment abilities

There are millions of books about how to increase business abilities, how to increase wealth creation abilities and how to increase investment abilities. Spend Minimum 2 hrs and you can develop your brain to win the success.

Idea 3. # You have to MAKE Your Big Why for Achieving your Goal of Becoming Rich at Young Age

(A) My big why is my goal and challenge to push my new abilities.

Ask also yourself why do you want to become rich at young age

(A) Because I am in living of poor level of living

(B) I was tired to all time live in the poverty and struggle for money. I was become some rich by earning. But, now I will focus next 10 years in wealth creation.

(C) I do not leave in average common man.

(D) You may say also, My father did job all life and leave in middle class. I have big pain to uplift with my mind and brain ability.

Find first why and you will find the idea because brain is idea making machine and mind is logic giving machine through emotional stress and pain to apply on same ideas.

I am teaching your thirsty cow story. He was thirsty. Thirst was his big burning desire and his brain gave him idea to send the stone in water pot and water will come. He has taken immediate action on it and he satisfied his thirst . Same apply here.

You must have TWO Emotions all time

Love Emotion

Why I want to become rich at young age

HATE Emotion

Why I hate not to become poor in young age

Your Love and Your HATE will give you energy that will motivate to think better and bring great ideas.

Make the big list of your love and hate

I love to become rich

I want to financial independence

I want the ability to buy what I want

I want to hire the employees for that the work I do not want to do.

I hate to become poor.

I hate to do work hard without big reward

I hate to become unable to buy what I want

I hate to do the work which I do not want

Take the some blank papers and write your 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, 1 months and 1 week and 1 day goals


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Krantikari Blog: Ideas to Be Rich at a Young Age
Ideas to Be Rich at a Young Age
With this Content, you can learn Great Ideas to Become Rich at Young Age.
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