Welcome 2nd part of "Ideas to be rich at a young age". You have read its first part and understood. Its first step was to focus to develop the brain. If you will focus to develop your brain. You will get more and more ideas to develop your brain for reaching fastly your level of becoming rich at young age.
Now go forward of its First Step.
Believe Your Brain Has Ability to Become Rich at Young Age
I am saying sorry that your brain is not creating in my factory. God is great engineer who created the brain. Our human brain is great master piece of engineering work. All the master engineer believes that like electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Brain uses neuro science rules for its all engineering process. There are millions of work which are hidden which did not invented by scientist which our brain did automatically. Few was researched like without human control, our brain control our blood pressure and breathing. So, our brain is our wonderful asset.
You have to start to believe that your brain has ability to become rich at young age. It can only possible with positive talk which should be trustful.
Speak loud 10 times.
I am believing in myself
I am believing my ability
I am believing my efficiency
I am believing my performance
I am believing on my brain
I am believing on my ideas for becoming rich
I am believing on my thinking for becoming rich
I am believing on my mind power
I am believing on my soul
I am believing on my God
This is the best way to develop your brain. If you will not develop your brain like this. Your mind has following weakness and same your brain ability can be misused for useless goals.
Mind can be lust addicted
Mind can be anger addicted
Mind can be greed addicted
Mind can be attachment addicted
Mind can be ego addicted
Mind can be fearful
Mind can be jealous
If your mind is not controlled by you, any addiction will come in your mind.
So, focus to control your lust
Focus to control your anger
Focus to control your greed
Focus to control your attachment
Focus to control your ego
Focus to control your fear
Focus to control your jealousy
If your mind has any of above addiction. It will use the brain ability. It will order to brain fulfil mind desire. Brain will suggest all illegal ways and legal ways. If you have ego and anger, you either start fight on useless issues or go to court and waste your brain ability.
And after this, you are crying that you did not get success of getting rich at young age. Why did you feel ego and anger. Why did you go court, when there are millions ways to resolve the issue with peace out of court.
If you will have big ego to show your power. Your brain will give you bad idea
Buy new car on loan and pay whole salary instead buying any asset which will give you money in your pocket. You just have the ego to show your social status.
Car is just machine to carry you from one place to other place and if your ability is not earn Rs. 7 Crore per year, you do have right to buy car on loan. Only after Rs. 7 crore one year earning, you have real ability
Actually, it is bad idea which gave by your brain under the stress of mind's ego and jealousy thoughts.
All will control with positive thoughts
You have to think loveful instead lustful
you have to think brave instead fearful
you have to think sacrifice instead greed
you have to think peace instead anger
you have to think humbleness instead ego
you have to think de-attachment instead attachment
If you have controlled your mind this positive thoughts, you will start to grow your ability of your brain in right direction
You will say
(A) I will invest in real estate. For this, I will take the advice from real estate adviser.
(B) I will invest in stock. For this, I will take the advice from stock broker
(C) I will invest in mutual funds. For this, I will take the advice from mutual fund broker
(D) I will not give up my opportunity to invest more and more by reading more and more investing books daily
2 Questions are Very Important for Grow of Your Idea Making Machine ( Your brain )
First Important Question
Do you want to live your next life on Your Own Conditions?
If answer is yes. Then from today set the Goal.
G = Get Your Own IDEA
O = Opportunity CATCH
A = And
Your goal must be based on your own ideas. It must not borrow from other.
Borrow Idea means
you search free on Google to find the idea of rich at young age. Great
But did you think deeply
Where did google got idea to make this Google
It means with focus on One Great Idea, a Google can come
With your great Idea, you can create billion new google in few years.
Google's age is just 10 to 15 years kid.
Borrow Idea means
Other gives you advice to apply the idea to get rich. Good. Listen the advice but Again focus to your own idea to get rich.
In borrow idea, problem is t
you have to pay interest and you do not know the knowledge of leverage.
Borrow Idea is useful if you have the ability to use to leverage it for your own benefit and success.
Second Important Question
Do you want to live your Next Life not on the Pension which is less than your Inflation rate
IF its answer is yes. It means, you are very serious to learn and grow your idea making machine by development of your brain.
Try to keep pen and notebook when you read any online content or ebook or book. Try to mind map of it. It will help to shape your idea
Many year ago, I have idea to convert all creative common video contents of YouTube as money making machine through ADS. It was the great idea of my own brain because
(I) There are millions of youtube which are creative common license and no ads income. So, all ads potential is equal to $ 160 T which is double of world GDP but there is no ads on it
(II) I tried on and got great results from it but after few strikes, my channels was closed.
(III) But I never give up. Because Only Never give up positive thought will reach you to achieving your goal.
(IV) For you, I say only, if you will develop this idea by adding your own idea and if you make your own video site and all community to creative common contents and you start to share program and if not it will compulsory same videos in other channel with ads, it will surely make you rich at young age.
Because creative common means, you have authority to edit and publish at your own name. If I have got ability to edit and publish it own name, it means, I can get its reward also because I gave some input in it. So, no one can you stop to become rich fastly by selling its ads inventory.
It will only come in your mind with my million dollar second question
Do you want to live your Next Life not on the Pension which is less than your Inflation rate
Think again if you are doing job or small business
or do not have big business of 500 employees or investment more than Rs. 140 Crore investment
Will you survive with same job in next 10, 20 and 30 years when inflation rate is growing very fastly.
Inflation rate means
Today 100 Rs. things, you will get Rs. 118 in next year.
Will govt. interest survive you in inflation rate.
If no, think again to become rich at young age
If no, think again to focus to become rich at young age
If no, think again to bring ideas to become rich at young age
If no, think again to develop your brain to bring great idea to become rich at young age.
This will be great thinking. This will game changing thinking because this will give you game changing ideas.
This will be your best use of time. This will be high performance of your time because you are thinking great ideas.